You’re invited to DTBA Annual General Meeting 2017 on the 15th of September 2017 at 7.30pm
Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Doncaster Templestowe Badminton Association Inc.
Dear Member,
Doncaster Templestowe Badminton Association Inc., will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Friday, the 15th of September 2017.
We are pleased to invite you to attend this meeting at:
Date: Friday, the 15th of September 2017
Time: 7.30pm
Location: DTBA Badminton Centre
Hummel Way (Via JJ Tully Drive)
Doncaster VIC 3108
Attached are:
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2017
Management Report 2016/2017
Financial Report 2016/2017
Nomination Form
Following the AGM, we would also like to invite you to stay for a small function (soft drinks and finger food are provided).
We look forward to seeing you there and please don’t forget to mark your calendar.
Charles Lee
DTBA President – For the Committee