DTBA Annual General Meeting 2019 – No juniors social badminton

7:30 PM


Notice of the Annual General Meeting
Doncaster Templestowe Badminton Association Inc.

Dear Member,

You are invited to DTBA Inc. Annual General Meeting 2019.

Date   : Friday, 27 September 2018 @ 7.30pm
Venue: DTBA Badminton Centre, Hummel Way (Via JJ Tully Drive), Doncaster VIC 3108

Please find attached the following documents:
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2019
Management Report 2018/2019
Financial Report 2018/2019
Minutes of the AGM 2018
Nomination Form

Following the meeting, we will be serving light finger food and offering the opportunity to catch up with friends and club members.

We look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me here.

Kind Regards,

Peter Kwee

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