Dear DTBA members,
What an exhilarating Friday and Saturday it was! Over the two consecutive days, we witnessed the Junior KO and July Monthly KO competitions. The July KO, in particular, treated us to nail-biting battles and fiercely contested matches – truly some of the most intense badminton showdowns ever. And I can assure you, there’s no shortage of improving competitors out there.
Junior KO
Winners: Tarini Walsh & Qii Yong Deng
Runners-Up: Madhav R & Vanessa Quan

Division 1
Winners : Julian W & Jim Fang
Runners-Up: Seng Wong & Adrian Yap

Division 2
Winners: Johnny Mathew & Felix Jong
Runners-Up: Narasimhan Ravi & Susan Tung

Kind Regards,
DTBA Competition Sub Committee (CSC)
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